Home Foren Trezor Wallet Telefonanruf Phishing mit Modell T Ersatzangebot?

  • Dieses Thema hat 9 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Jahr, 2 Monaten von Oliver_Clothesoff224.
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    • #1988645

      Ich erhielt einen Anruf von einem Justin, der behauptete, er sei vom Trezor-Kundenservice. Er sagte, es habe vor kurzem einen verdächtigen Zugriff auf mein Konto gegeben, einen aus meiner Heimatstadt und einen anderen aus dem Ausland. Er fragte, ob einer dieser Zugriffe für mich ungewöhnlich sei, und sagte, er würde das Konto für mich sperren und mir einen neuen Trezor und eine Seed-Phrase schicken. Ich habe nichts mehr auf meinem Trezor, da ich ihn Ende letzten Jahres wegen eines familiären Notfalls verkaufen musste, also mache ich mir keine Sorgen, etwas zu verlieren. Aber er hatte meine Adresse und Telefonnummer und wusste, welches Modell ich besitze, was er wohl vom Verkäufer oder einem anderen Verstoß erfahren haben muss. Ich habe ihm einige direkte Fragen gestellt, die er nicht beantworten konnte, und er hat die Verbindung abgebrochen. Ich bin sicher, dass es sich um einen Phishing-Angriff handelte, und wollte andere warnen, dass man sich davor in Acht nehmen sollte. Ich werde den Verkäufer, bei dem ich es gekauft habe, kontaktieren und sehen, ob er etwas dazu sagen kann.

    • #1988646

      I received similar call from Justin from trezor wallet asking me to call back . He knew my name which was odd plus he had a NY phone number . I let the call go to voice mail and then blocked the caller and reported it as a scam. I don’t really use trezor so I don’t know how they got my number .

    • #1988647

      I would just like to explain why this is a scam for anyone who might not understand what the problem here is.

      A trezor device is completely offline and is completely unnaffected by things that happen on your trezor website account whether its breached or not, the only issue would be if your seed phrase gets highjacked which shouldn’t happen unless you enter it into a website or hand it over to someone or give it up in some other fashion. In this case, not a single soul on earth will be aware of this event happening except the person who highjacks the wallet and the victim and whoever else this information is shared with, trezor support will have no idea whatsoever and there’s nothing they can do about it even if they do know. That’s just how to blockchain works. So it makes no sense to send a new device or seed phrase when the *only* logical solution is to simply just generate a new wallet and send all your funds there immediately.

      As for sending you a new trezor and seed phrase, the seed phrase is supposed to be generated by the onboard trng(true random number generator) when you generate your own wallet. If someone sends you a seed phrase with the understanding that you will use that generated wallet to receive and send crypto, then they’re probably handing over the phrase with the intention of keeping an eye on the balance and sending any significant amount of funds over to a wallet that they control. If they’re sending you a new trezor, then the hardware or firmware is probably highjacked, or they just plan to steal the funds on the highjacked wallet hoping to cover the expense incurred by the device. Or maybe they just would’ve never sent the device. In which case idk why they’d offer when offering a new seed phrase would’ve probably been sufficient for their little scam operation.

    • #1988648

      I just got a call from trezor IT support. I’ve never heard of the trezor calling you. I just hung up. I’m sure its a scam. They had my home town and another town across the country. They also had my name. His name was Justin and the call said it came from new York.

    • #1988649

      Thanks for sharing, good to get the awareness out there.

    • #1988650

      I just receive a text message from these ppl from a 212 area code . I received a call yesterday from the same ppl . Needless to say I deleted the message and reported the message as spam

    • #1988651

      I personally think you have just simply doxxed yourself on Reddit. Sure, you might not have said your name anywhere but just spending two minutes looking at your post history…you’ve shared all kinds of personal stuff including multiple pictures of your face and where you live. Phone numbers are easy as pie to get.

      I think you should make a new reddit account, stop using this one, get a new phone number, and be more careful in the future.

      Tldr: you’re being phished but you seem to think getting your name and phone number is hard even though it’s not, and you’ve posted personal details on the same account on Reddit.

    • #1988652

      Please bear in mind that no one from the Trezor team would send you a private message first.
      If you want to discuss a sensitive issue, we suggest contacting our Support team via the Troubleshooter: https://trezor.io/support/

      **No one from the Trezor team (Reddit mods, Support agents, etc) would ever ask for your recovery seed!**
      Beware of scams and phishings: https://blog.trezor.io/recognize-and-avoid-phishing-ef0948698aec

      *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TREZOR) if you have any questions or concerns.*

    • #1988653

      I had a call from a NY number yesterday. I think Justin was his name as well. I bought my Trezor from the one US approved reseller of Trezor. I’m curious how they got my name and number. I hung up on the guy.

      I just received a spam text from another number with a link regarding a Trezor breach.

      Edit: it was the only approved merchant at the time. It looks like there are 3 in the US now.

    • #1988654

      Just today I got a sms message saying that trezor suite had a security breach… Never have I shared my phone number nor have I said to anyone I had a trezor device…

      Kind of weird that I got that out of the blue haha. But yeah be aware of sms messages going out too.

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