Home Foren Trezor Wallet Einige Trezor Fragen von Nano S Benutzer

  • Dieses Thema hat 3 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 3 Monaten, 2 Wochen von Glum-Departure-8912.
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    • #3389093


      Ich habe ein nano s für ein paar Jahre jetzt aber suchen, um den Übergang weg in Richtung der trezor sicher 3.

      Im Moment habe ich:
      – Bitcoin auf dem nano s
      – Altcoins auf Metamask (über nano s)
      – einige Münzen auf einer Altcoin-Wallet

      Wie schwierig wird es sein, all dies auf den Trezor Safe 3 zu migrieren?

      Von dem, was ich verstehe, wird die beste Praxis sein, einen neuen Seed zu erstellen, manuell meine Bitcoin von meinem Nano auf den Trezor zu übertragen, und essen die Gebühren.

      Allerdings bin ich mir nicht sicher über die Metamaske und gestapelten Münzen. Ist es im Grunde der gleiche Prozess, eine neue Adresse auf diesen Plattformen zu machen und manuell übertragen und essen die Gebühren?

      Es scheint auch, wie Trezor hat viel weniger Alt Coin Unterstützung. Wie bekommen Sie Jungs um diese, mit 3rd-Party-Apps wie metamask oder Exodus ich denke?


    • #3389094

      Any coin that Trezor can hold, move it there. Leave the rest in Ledger. Ledger, despite their many screw-ups, is still orders of magnitudes more secure than any hot wallet can ever hope to be.

      If you must use a hot wallet, use Trust Wallet. It is developed by Binance and open source. Avoid Exodus. Garbage wallet, high fees.

    • #3389095

      > How do you guys get around this, using 3rd party apps like metamask or exodus I guess?

      Vetted third party wallets are fine, but randomly pairing trezor to anything that will support it, is less fine IMHO. Metamask is opensource and fairly well audited. I have NO idea what Exodus does under the covers.

    • #3389096

      You can just recover your ledger seed on the Trezor. This method would transfer all assets associated with that seed to your Trezor, essentially – not so much a transfer of assets, just allows the Trezor to sign transactions for assets in that wallet. By the details provided, your Metamask is just serving as an interface for your Ledger to use Web3 dapps. These assets would also transfer by recovering the seed on the Trezor. From there, you can link your Trezor to Metamask and access any holding, including staked coins. More on this in a minute, though.

      The alternative is to just unstake and send everything to a new wallet created on the Trezor. If you are confident your seed has been stored safely for the Ledger, I don’t see this as necessary. Depending on the total and type of holdings, cost to unstake and send it might be worth it to “start fresh”. If you have 100+ staked ERC-721 tokens, this could be very expensive. Please keep in mind Trezor support for NFTs is quite lackluster.

      I personally will never recover a cold storage seed to a hot wallet, and will never use the “link” tools. It is opening a door that doesn’t need to be opened imo. I maintain web3 wallets with a separate seed than my Trezor. I’m more than willing to pay fees if I need to send to my hot wallet to make a transaction. To me, it’s like an insurance payment.

      I hope this provides some insight, more than happy to answer any further questions you may have 🙂

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