Home Foren Trezor Wallet Zugang zu Kryptowährungen im Falle eines plötzlichen Todes

  • Dieses Thema hat 11 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Monat, 1 Woche von ViolinistNumerous321.
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    • #3677397

      Ich habe gerade die 5-0 erreicht und fühle mich sterblich 🙂 Ich bin der einzige in der Familie, der wirklich einen Überblick über die Finanzen hat, also stelle ich, so morbide es auch klingen mag, ein “Wenn du das hier liest, hatte ich ein großartiges Leben, aber ich bin tot”-Dokument für meine Frau/erwachsenen Kinder zusammen. Kryptowährungen machen weniger als 5 % meines Nettovermögens aus, aber ich möchte trotzdem, dass sie darauf zugreifen können!

      Kennt jemand ein Dokument, in dem steht: “Hier ist ein Leitfaden, um zu sehen, was dir hinterlassen wurde” – etwa: “Wenn du ein Gerät hast, das so aussieht…”.[Trezor Model T\]und Sie die 4-stellige PIN kennen, dann tun Sie dies. Wenn das Gerät nicht funktioniert, suchen Sie im Safe nach diesem Ding \[picture of Hodlr disc\] und tun Sie dann dies…”

      Ich könnte natürlich selbst eine schreiben, aber ich dachte mir, dass jemand anderes etwas Ähnliches gemacht haben muss. Der springende Punkt ist, dass das Publikum nicht super technisch ist oder sich mit technischen Themen auskennt, aber jeder Ansatzpunkt wäre großartig.


    • #3677398

      If you have a secure safe in the house, then write a doc out and put it on a memory stick in safe. Maybe with a paper copy?

      if they want the funds, I’m sure they will find a way to work it all out. The money they get in return will be a good incentive lol.

      You also know their technically ability better than anyone, so write the doc to suit the audience.

      Good luck and Happy Birthday.

    • #3677399

      Others have given good ideas here. I would also get my family together and show them what to do and how to do it. Have them practice. Do that once a year so they don’t forget what to do. Keep the real seed phrases in a home or bank safe, and use seed phrases from an empty wallet for the practice sessions.

      Happy birthday. I hope you have a long and healthy life, and that your family returns your love in kind for taking such good care of them.

    • #3677400

      Project “sarcophagus” is pretty great. You can leave them a guide on how to access everything etc. all you gotta do is keep interacting with the contract on a timeframe that you setup,and once you stop interacting the contract executes and they get an email, sms or whatever you decide

    • #3677401

      We are all going to die, so what you are doing is a basic necessity. Too many people have these convoluted schemes around Crypto, as if security means they can remember everything and find what they need to complete the next transaction. They don’t fill any of their heirs in on the holdings or how to access them. More money is lost to slack recordkeeping and cockamamie schemes than is lost to scams.

      I think you need a document in a Password Manager that your heirs can get to if you die – “Hey Junior – read this first for info on my Crypto.” Some of the Password Managers, Bitwarden and LastPass for instance, have Emergency access protocols. If you die, the person you name can get access, but only after a 1 or 2 week period. If you have passed away, they can access your account by going into the Manager and selecting Emergency Access, and Requesting Access. Following the wait time, they are granted access. If you don’t respond, they get access, and then they have access to your passwords. You can leave a note saying – go this box/safe etc to find the seed and my Ledger/Trezor etc is in the bedroom under the loose floorboard …. You can also leave instructions to them about how or where to go on the internet to enter the seed.

    • #3677402
    • #3677403

      You essentially need to leave them instructions on where to find the recovery seed/passphrase. This can be complicated for many reasons.

      – Is the place that these are located accessible?

      – If your lawyer is corrupt (or estate manager) could they preemptively access these things with the information you leave in your will?

      – Are you instructions clear enough that your intended audience will understand them and actually be able to access them?

      – Instructions you leave can be accessed by someone who then uses them to get you coin

      I personally would not use any of these new companies offering services as I don’t trust them.

      I also think it’s important that people don’t know how to access it prior to my death. You never know what can happen now and in the future and once it’s gone, it’s gone. And it doesn’t even have to be intentional, a simple slip of the tongue from a partner to a friend (“Oh yeah bitcoin, you know hubby has a lot of those he keeps it all in our sock drawer on some piece of paper.”) could mean you get wiped out.

      A few ideas I’ve had…

      – Bury in the backyard and leave instructions for them in will. The biggest issue is corrupt lawyer/estate manager.

      – Keep instructions on where to retrieve or even the seed/passphrase (or just 1 of these the other buried) in a bank security box. Disguise it as something else (aka birthday card, love letter, etc) but leave clear instructions that the contents are to be for a specific person (say spouse).

      – Home safe – just keep it deep in the home safe files but obscured say inside a birthday card or something. Leave instructions in the will to carefully read each birthday card in the safe. Something like that.

      I haven’t figured out which one I’m doing, but something along the lines of one of these or combination of them. I’ll probably not do the bank security box, but it is tempting. I know people are weary of them, but they are safer than a home safe and if you disguise it enough no one will know. Anyone breaking into bank security boxes are looking for cash, gold/silver, diamonds, etc. Not letters from grandpa that if they actually read will have the recovery seed (or location of it) in it.

    • #3677404

      I wrote a few pages for my wife when I went into surgery. I won’t share the total contents, but the gist of it was:

      > Behind the dehydrated water in the bomb shelter you will find a little notebook. It has all my passwords as well as the secrets to my bitcoin. You can read the balance by plugging this string (xpub) into this URL (blockbook). Then you will know EXACTLY how much bitcoin is on my Trezor. Just call Dave (phone number) and he will help you with the rest. If the price jumps and you don’t trust Dave, hire a company from the following website (lopp) to do it. As always, make sure you call our lawyer (phone number) to ensure you have good binding contracts with anyone you enter into business with in regards to this recovery.

      > Never show the bitcoin secrets to anyone till they are fully legally tied up. As you recall I go through this with our kids every spring, and our little coder will likely be able to do most of this for you.

    • #3677405

      I solved your problem 2 months ago in a post of mine..

      Comments are a delight.


    • #3677407

      This post was a good guide:

    • #3677409

      It’s called inheritance planning. There are multiple strategies. My preferred is Shamir Secret Sharing.

    • #3677410

      I wrote a guide and left it with my lawyer in a sealed envelope that says only to be opened by xxxx on event of my death

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