Home Foren Trezor Wallet Ich habe gerade Safe 3 gekauft.

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    • #3697601

      Ich fange gerade wieder an, Bitcoin zu kaufen, und ich habe sie immer an der Börse oder in einem Hot Wallet gehalten. Ich habe gerade gestern meine erste Hardware-Wallet gekauft.

      So tun alle meine Forschung, ich weiß, nichts ist 100% voll Beweis. Aber ich habe in anderen Subreddits gelesen, dass Hardware-Wallets gehackt wurden und alle Kryptowährungen verloren gingen, obwohl der Seed nicht kompromittiert” wurde oder die Wallet selbst nicht physisch entwendet wurde. Wie kann man so nah wie möglich an Fullproofing kommen? Ich bin kein Flipper, ich plane, in bitcoin für die langfristige als Absicherung gegen die Inflation zu investieren und dies ist wie 20 Jahre plus Investition, aber ich werde am Boden zerstört, wenn eines Tages alles einfach verschwindet.

      Ich nehme nicht an dApps oder Staking oder irgendetwas davon teil. Alles, was ich tue, ist, an der Börse zu kaufen und auf eine harte Geldbörse zu übertragen, sonst nichts. Theoretisch sollte ich mir nur Sorgen machen, dass jemand meine Hardware-Geldbörse physisch stiehlt oder einen Phishing-Angriff startet, richtig?

    • #3697602

      > But reading other subreddits of peoples hardware wallets getting hacked and losing all their crypto even tho seed was “not compromised” or the wallet itself wasnt physically taken.

      It’s human nature to deflect blame. I’ve yet to find a post that showed a compelling example of a compromised wallet. All I’ve seen violated some basic tenant of security outlined in the manual.

      > How can one get to as close as possible to fullproofing? I’m not a flipper, I plan to invest in bitcoin for the long-term as a hedge against inflation and this is like 20 years plus investment, but I will be devastated if one day it all just disappears. I dont participate in dApps or staking or any of that. All i do is buy on exchange and transfer to hard wallet and nothing else. in theory, the only thing I should worry about is someone to physically stealing my hardware wallet or a phishing attack, correct?

      The Trezor 3 and Trezor T are hardened against physical theft (see manual) so you don’t need to worry about that. Just put a reasonable (random) pin and your fine.

      Avoiding dApps takes away the only other real risk, so that is handled as well. As far as general security, simply read the manual (trezor.io/learn) and you’ll be set.

      > just getting back into buying bitcoin

      One final “best practice” that isn’t discussed in the manual is the concept of [UTXOs][a]. The basic idea is that bitcoin transaction costs scale based on the UTXO count in a transaction, not the amount of BTC. This means if you keep your withdraws from the exchange large, your absolute fee will stay low. But if you have many small withdraws from the exchange, your absolute fees will be high. So keep that in mind as you buy.

      [a]: https://learnmeabitcoin.com/technical/utxo

    • #3697603

      Just follow the safety rules and you’ll be okay . Your money is safest in a cold wallet . You can put your coins in the hidden wallet behind a password for added protection.

    • #3697604

      `So doing all my research, I know nothing is 100% full proof. But reading other subreddits of peoples hardware wallets getting hacked and losing all their crypto even tho seed was “not compromised” or the wallet itself wasnt physically taken.`

      If you don’t participate it dApps you will be fine. I honestly believethe majority of these stories are hackers who want people to switch back to software wallets or competing hardware wallets that want to discourage people from trezor. These people that loose their funds often either sign a malicious contract or have no post history and don’t post the transaction IDs and are clearly talking shit.

      No one with any credibility has posted any proof of loosing their funds without any fuck up on their part.

      If you want to keep everything safe, have a cold wallet where you keep your investments and a separate hot wallet for dApps

    • #3697605

      For extra security do some research on Passphrases, these will create extra hidden wallets. Take a look at “What is a Passphrase, and how do you set one up on Trezor” on YouTube.
      Caution – never forget or lose your Passphrase, if you do then the funds in your hidden wallet are gone forever, even your original 12/24 word Seed phrase cannot recover them.

    • #3697606

      So I’ve had these same feelings. I have a Trezor one(only BTC). But I have a pin and standard wallet. My trezor is in a very, very safe place no one knows about. And I memorized the seed. But every day I still look on Trezor Suite Lite(Xpub balance check) and make sure everything is OK.

      So I DCA weekly(500$ to Bitcoin)and I have decided to started putting it into the hidden passphrase wallet. Just for that extra layer of security.

      If someone did steal my trezor one, they would need to be a computer hacking genius. And I don’t advertise my holdings, so I don’t think anyone even knows(not even my family, I plan to surprise them when I’m a millionaire)

      I turn into a Maxi more and more every day. I do trade Alts on futures, but I put the profits into Bitcoin.

      Your paranoia is normal, trust your research. We are on the best team, even if they fail(unlikely), we still know our seed and will be fine restoring our long-term wealth.

    • #3697607

      The Safe 3 is fantastic. Like others have said, just be smart and keep your keys/phrase/pin logged safely and put away. You’ll love this hardware wallet. I have the gold Safe 3 myself, with the Bitcoin only firmware installed. 👍🪙😎

    • #3697608

      Never use your hardware wallet with a large amounts of crypto on it to authorise a transaction. Buy a second wallet with very little on it just for authorisation purposes. I use an old Ledge. Noone ever should ask for your seed phrase not even Trezor. Hope it helps you stay safe!

    • #3697609

      If you rarely ever use your wallet and store your credentials and seed phrase securely, you will have no issues. My Trezor is straight up cold storage, I have a separate wallet I use for transactions, and when it comes time to bank an amount I send it to the Trevor from my secondary wallet. The fewer interactions that wallet has with outside accounts the better.

      BTW you can achieve the same result at an even safer level for free if you use a paper wallet.

    • #3697610

      Fool proof* what is full proof?

    • #3697611

      Same with me. Exchange, transfer to Safe 3. Holding. You should be fine. You can lose your trezor. Just don’t lose the 12 words if that’s your seed phrase. I’m thinking about buying some metal washers and a punch, to make the seed phrase metallic instead of written on paper. I’ll bury it somewhere.

    • #3697612

      People say that guessing a passphrase is like guessing an atom in the universe. But anyone can randomly guess is the issue I have. If we assume people are guessing like a lottery ticket, I doubt they are adding passphrase to the guesses.

      Seed+passphrase makes me sleep better at night.

      M passphrase is stored in pw manager, which will be available to my family if I die. Seed is stored safely offline. Makes me also feel better if someone found my seed, I’d have enough time to fix it before they can guess the password.

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