Home Foren Ledger Wallet Seedphrase-Speicherung

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    • #3724027

      EDIT : Einer meiner Freunde hat bereits die 2. Lösung entschlüsselt (es war eine sehr einfache Verschlüsselung, die man immer noch ausprobieren kann), also denke ich, dass ich mich für etwas anderes wie das entscheiden werde:
      Ich werde ein airgapped linux auf einer SD-Karte mit veracrypt oder einer anderen Lösung verwenden, um die 24 Wörter zu verschlüsseln. Wieder, wenn ich das Passwort vergessen habe, um die 24 Wörter zu entschlüsseln, habe ich immer noch die erste Lösung mit Klartext 24 Wörter Phrase

      ———- Ende der Bearbeitung ———-

      Ich habe einige Nachforschungen darüber angestellt, wie ich meine 24 Wörter speichern kann und habe mich für dieses System entschieden, zu dem ich Sie um einen Kommentar bitte:

      2 Speicherplätze

      – einen nicht “sofort” zugänglichen, wo es so etwas wie einen Krypto-Stahl oder eine Wallet gibt. Also eine einfache Textkopie meiner 24 Wörter, die aber Wasser, Feuer oder Druck standhalten kann.

      – eine zweite, leichter zugängliche Kopie, wie z.B. das kleine Papier, das Ihnen das Ledger gibt, um Ihre 24 Worte aufzuschreiben. Aber wenn Sie es von meinem Haus stehlen Sie am Ende mit diesem (eine zufällige Worte keine Sorge) :
      sejeevg psnw lwnz zaww nnyi lwau bogmj eiefl oarm cqx hdeltq lsl ctrdo dsvi tgmdl wqyp wzq iuzqrkw wift hjmm ajmpdgw buqvw viapazwj cigol

      Also eine, auf die ich sofort zugreifen kann und die ich stehlen oder leicht zerstören kann, aber nicht im “Klartext”.
      Und wenn ich vergessen habe, wie ich die Wörter entschlüsseln kann, habe ich immer noch den schwer zugänglichen Text, den ich nicht entschlüsseln muss.

      Also irgendeine Idee, wie man es verbessern kann oder irgendeinen Rat, der mir helfen kann und, Bonus, was können Sie mir von den verschlüsselten Wörtern sagen, die ich Ihnen gegeben habe?

      Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre Zeit!

    • #3724032

      Consider using Shamir’s Secret Shares [stamped in steel](https://blockmit.com/english/guides/diy/make-cold-wallet-washers/) and store the shares in several secure locations.

      Your seed/wallet will then be securely stored on stainless steel “hardware” that is virtually indestructible and should outlive you.

      Here’s a handy app for securely generating the shares on an air gapped Ledger device: [https://github.com/aido/app-seed-tool](https://github.com/aido/app-seed-tool)

      This app will hopefully soon be available to install from Ledger Live.

    • #3724033

      Use TailsOS to encrypt/decrypt. It’s amnesiac and has VeraCrypt reader built in. Have you thought of GPG encryption? That way nothing is in plain text and you can use that to decrypt super easy. Id create a key pair in kleopatra and use that. Been using the same key pair for 20 years almost and no issues. I have the private key imported to a couple of my yubikeys. That way I can easily encrypt/ decrypt, sign, and authenticate all my data including crypto seeds. Once you have the encrypted message print it as a QR code, as many as you want and store wherever. It takes like 5 min to boot up and decrypt. If you haven’t dealt with asymmetric cryptography, try it out first and see what you think. Have a good backup for your key pair but it’s a good method. All open source and a lot of apps have integration with this stuff. I use it all the time, since I was a teenager lol

    • #3724034

      A 24 word main seed phrase, plain text given to three or four trusted family members are close personal friends.

      I’ve given envelopes to a couple of family members and a close friend with instructions on who to contact and what to do in the event that’s something happens to me.

      I’ve asked that they keep them in a safe place, somewhere where they would keep their own important documents and to please not open them unless something happens to me. Unbeknownst to them, my 24 word seed phrase is inside of each of those sealed envelopes.

      There’s no real money there, not very much. However if it ever moves, I’ll know somebody messed with the seed phrase.

      I keep a copy of this, in a notebook, inside my safe.

      Inside of my head I have memorized three complex but memorable passphrases.

      I make it a point to reset my Ledger devices every few months and test my seed and pass phrases, everything’s been good since 2017?

      I do have my passphrases stored in two locations outside of my house that only I have access to.

      My seed phrase has never been stored on an electronic device, I wrote it down, by hand with a sharpie marker when I originally created it and or I stored it in other locations.

      Same with my passphrases, handwritten on paper only.

      If any money ever disappears from any of my accounts, I’ve signed a malicious contract or Ledger has hacked us.

      I’m sure I’ll be fine.

    • #3724035

      Not enough people recommend this, but a brain wallet is not an impossible solution since you stated you will still have a backup copy somewhere.

      Remembering 24 words, through repetition, is actually not that difficult.

    • #3724036

      You can make a list of words, stored on your pc, usb stick.. with your seedphrase words + a number of random words from the bip39 word list so you have for example 100 words in that list and number them. Then have a paper written with numbers like: 75 9 41 93 .. and each number is one of the words in the list you have that makes your seedphrase. You’ll need both to get the seedphrase so a paper with some numbers on it doesn’t immediately give the impression that it’s for a wallet

    • #3724037

      Instead of trying to encrypt your 24 word seeds, consider the usage of a 25th word (officiall called the BIP39 “passphrase”).

      Because then someone finding your 24 words alone will not be enough, they’d also need that passphrase.
      Only the 24 words + correct passphrase will generate the correct wallet addresses and respective keys.

      That way you don’t have to run your own encryption schemes, which will just put you at risk for losing access yourself. Instead just keep the 24 words in a safe location, and keep the passphrase safe in another location.

      In addition to that, you could memorize the seed words and try to remember on a regular interval (via alarm).
      It sounds impossible at first, but consider the mind-palace method:

      – Choose a place you’re familiar with, maybe a house with many rooms.
      – Imagine taking a route through that house that makes sense and split that into 12 steps.
      – For each of these steps, try to imagine a scene in that room / hallway / etc. that involves two of the seed words.
      – After doing that with all seed words, try to mentally go through the house again and try to remember the words by playing out the scenes again.

      For the first two weeks, set a reminder (on your phone, smart-watch, etc.) for every 1-2 days.
      Every time the alarm goes off, sit down and mentally go through the house (or whatever place) and try to recall everything.
      After you start feeling more confident, reduce the alarms to e.g. once every week.
      That takes about maybe one minute every week to refresh your memory and will be a handy extra backup that you have always with you.

    • #3724028

      Don’t store your seedphrase on technology.

      Honestly, far more people have lost their bitcoin from “being too secure”, then from theft.

      So, Alternative suggestion: Just use a “25th word”, a **single** password that only you know. Don’t make it crazy complex, make it simple but memorable and reasonably long.

      Then just get your 24 words tattooed on your forehead. Doesn’t matter.

      If you prefer your forehead virgin, then just make lots of copies of your seedphrase and put them in multiple houses – it doesn’t matter if someone finds one. ( Tip: Polaroid photos can last for decades)

      (Pro Tip: Leave like $100 in your “24 word account”, so if someone does find your seed, then you will know if they steal it. Also you have plausible deniability “ah I only have $100 of btc bro, you can take it and untie me now”)

    • #3724029

      I think your idea is good, but you should ensure nobody will be able to decrypt your code and that you on the other hand will be able to decrypt it. And make sure you actually decrypt it and try it out, that way you are sure decryption works 100%.

    • #3724030

      From your edit: “I will go on a airgapped linux stored on a SD card with veracrypt or another solution to encrypt the 24 words”

      Are you sure you know how to do that in a 100% safe manner that has zero chance of exposing your seed either during encryption or later during decryption? (Remember that the decryption will happen in a stressful situation when you just noticed that your ledger was stolen, or broken, etc. Many possibilities of making mistakes in such a situation.)

      I wonder: why do you think that you even need an “immediately accessible” copy of the seed? After all, the goal is that you actually never need the seed backup. If all goes well, the seed is in the ledger and you won’t need the backup for years, maybe never. So, the times you need access to the seed are so rare, you should actually not need a quick access method.

    • #3724031

      Dont overcomplicate. Most likely users lost their funds due to user err.

      I simply wrote my words to the bitcoin blockchain, with salted aes 256 / twofish / serpent.

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