Home Foren Trezor Wallet Ich habe die Nachricht eines Betrügers unterzeichnet

  • Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten und 2 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren von Omega3Fattty.
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    • #761664

      Hallo zusammen,
      ich brauche Hilfe. Ich habe die Nachricht eines Betrügers in meinem MetaMask Trezor unterschrieben, um dieser Person Zugang zu meiner Geldbörse zu verschaffen. Ich habe das Problem schnell erkannt und es geschafft, alle meine Nfts auf eine andere Wallet zu übertragen, aber trotzdem wurde eine gestohlen, weil ich nicht schnell genug gehandelt habe. Die Frage ist nun, dass dies mit einer meiner versteckten Geldbörsen passiert ist. Sind auch meine anderen versteckten Wallets mit anderer Wallet-Adresse und anderem Passwort betroffen? Was sollte ich jetzt tun? Alles auf die Werkseinstellungen zurücksetzen oder was? Bitte um Rat!

    • #761665

      Your other hidden wallets are safe.
      No need for a reset, just dont use the compromised wallet anymore.

    • #761666

      The key question is, were your mnemonic phrase words compromised?

      If not, then the other-passphrase wallets are fine

      For the compromised wallet, its root / master extended keys are compromised, move assets out and do not use further, except with a watch-only wallet in case someone re-uses any old addresses.

    • #761667

      If you sign a message with the Trezor, the private key is not leaked. So at most the address that signed the message is affected.

      it depends on the message you signed how far this address is affected. I know that you can sign a message to give someone else full access to one ERC-20 token. Probably something similar for NFTs exists.

      Of course, you have to be extra careful to not use this affected hidden wallet in the future. Unless you can somehow revoke the permissions.

    • #761668

      As all of it is linked to one and the same seed, they could al become compromised.

      With secret, you mean it has a passphrase set for it to access it?

      Assuming that only one wallet is compromised, other would still be safe, however as one is affected, might be better to start with a new one and send all funds towards tour new wallet.

      Wiyh o ly one hardware wallet this is a bit cumbersome as you would first need a new wallet to send fund towards before being able to send funds from the old wallet… so you’d first have to reset the trezor and start with a new wallet, note down the new seed and at least one address to send funds towards, then reset the trezor back again using the original seed to be able to send out the funds from the other hidden wallets, and then reset it again to lut the new seed in it again.

      Cumbersome, eh?

      Or use an Exchange to send funds towards, then reset the trezor and once a new wallet is created send funds to the new wallet? Fewer trezor resets to do that way…

      But best to ditch the old wallet with all of its hidsen wallets and what not.

      Might wanna check when having nft’s and other funds if the intended Exchange supports that… besides some gass, wouldn’t want them nft’s ro be send into limbo, would you? So you might think about smaller test transactions first…

      You’d loose some funds anyways due to transaction costs along the way however. So lesson learned is not to sign anything which sounds to good to be true?

    • #761669

      Why did you sign in?

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