Home Foren Ledger Wallet Wird die Anzeige in Ledger anzeigen, ob Token während einer Transaktion bewegt werden, so wie sie anzeigt, dass Münzen kurz davor sind, bewegt zu werden?

  • Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten und 2 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren von AXIETwixie.
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    • #768604

      Wird also “-1 Token” angezeigt, so wie “-1.0034 ETH”? Ich frage mich nur, ob ich den Hash des Smart Contracts entschlüsseln muss, um zu wissen, ob ich im Begriff bin, meine NFTs durch einen bösartigen Vertrag loszuwerden, oder ob es offensichtlich ist, weil die Anzeige “-30 Token” anzeigt, bevor ich unterschreibe.

    • #768605

      Whenever you confirm a transaction, it will always shows you the transaction details which generally includes the address you’re sending to, the address you’re sending from and the amount being transferred. After only viewing all these details, you will be able to confirm the transaction. This is how it generally works for any simple transactions although I’m unaware of what the process would be like when transferring NFTs or signing more complex transactions that involve smart contracts.

    • #768606

      Hi, Your Ledger device will show you all the details when you are making a transaction with tokens provided you are doing this transaction in the Ledger Live application. This is called a ‘clear signing’ where you see all the information that you are signing on the display of your Ledger device.

      On the other hand, when you use your Ledger device with a 3rd party wallet to sign a smart contract, you need to enable ‘blind signing’ on your Ledger device. In this case, you see certain information but not everything about the smart contract that you are signing. You can read more about blind signing here – https://www.ledger.com/academy/cryptos-greatest-weakness-blind-signing-explained

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