Home Foren Trezor Wallet Ich kaufte eine Trezor T… gibt es eine super detaillierte Anleitung zur Einrichtung und alles, was ich tun muss, alles in einem Artikel / Leitfaden / etc.

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    • #769591

      Ich habe also eine Trezor T…

      Und ich werde ehrlich sein, ich bin immer noch kaum auf der Spitze des Eisbergs in das Verständnis alles über die cyrpto Welt.

      Als eine Offenlegung, ich habe einige sehr vernachlässigbare Menge an BTC auf Coinbase,

      aber ich habe eine Trezor T gekauft, weil jeder sagt, dass eine kalte Hardware-Wallet der richtige Weg ist.

      Ich kaufte auch eine Trezor T zu “üben” Handhabung einige sehr kleine Menge von Krypto…

      Mit dieser Aussage,

      Kann mir jemand einen äußerst nützlichen Leitfaden in

      1. die Einrichtung des Trezor T
      2. Einrichten einer Passphrase
      3. wie man Kryptowährungen zwischen Coinbase und Trezor transferiert und umgekehrt
      4. was zu tun und was zu unterlassen ist
      5. über ‘Adressen’
      6. Tipps
      7. über die Privatsphäre (im Grunde genommen, damit die Leute NICHT wissen, wie viel Krypto ich habe) (ich spiele auf eine Lesart an, die besagt, dass, weil es dezentralisiert und eine öffentliche Blockchain ist, jeder wissen kann, wie viel man hat? aber es gibt Wege und beste Praktiken, um sich zu schützen?)
      8. Seed-Phrasen, Recovery-Phrasen
      9. Was passiert, wenn Sie Ihre Wallet verlieren?
      10. wie Angreifer Ihre Kryptowährung angreifen und stehlen können (Hacks)
      11. usw. usw.
      12. Ja, ich weiß, das sind viele Themen, aber ich hoffe, dass es einen tollen Leitfaden gibt, in dem all das behandelt wird… um den Stress und die Einschüchterung zu lindern, wenn ich eine Trezor T in der Hand halte.

    • #769592

      I’ve said this before, I’ll say it now, and I’m sure I’ll say it again later. The more we all know, the better adoption rate and comfort we all have.

      I would highly recommend this setup procedure.

      Setup the Trezor as instructed, but instead of writing down your seed words on the enclosed card, write down recovery words on paper when it prompts you. More on this later.

      Open a wallet and get an address. Copy and paste that address to a notepad.

      Wipe the Trezor. Reformat it. Factory reset it.

      Plug it back in and go through advanced recovery. This gets you familiar with the process.

      After recovery, open the wallet and check the address that you copied pasted to. This should match. If it does, you did it right as those keys should always be the same.

      Toss out all the paperwork from the previous setup. Shred it, burn it. Although it’s worthless to a thief, you don’t want to run the risk of accidentally getting it confused later on in the process.

      Wipe the Trezor. Reformat it. Factory reset it.

      Setup as new a second time following the exact process above using blank paper. Maybe even a third or fourth time. Not kidding. You need to really, really feel comfortable with those seed words. Setup. Wipe. recover. Wipe. Setup. Wipe. Recover. Wipe.

      Then the real run. Throw everything away (not the Trezor). Make sure none of those words are around. Start fresh.

      Setup as new, but this time record the words on the little card that came with your trezor. Write in ink like a thin sharpie. This is your final seed list. Never, ever, never ever ever share it with anyone. On your deathbed not even with your creator. Never. Never type these words into a website. Never show then to your friends. Never take a photo of them. Never.

      Send yourself a few dollars to the Trezor; very few. Like 10 bucks.

      Wipe it again.

      Recover it with your seed words USING ADVANCED RECOVERY. Make sure your $10 is there. The reason I say this last step for wipe and recovery is because no matter how many times you recover an empty wallet with the practice steps above, you’ll feel different with money. Need to be comfortable trusting those words. When you see money spawn from seedwords, it’ll feel good.

      Wipe it. Recover it one last time; be sure to use advanced recovery.

      Seal that piece of paper/cardstock, laminate it, toss it in the safe. The reason I say laminate is because in case of fire, the FD may submerge your safe into your new basement swimming pool. It may be there for a while, slowly leaking into whatever bag/waterproof vessel its in. Especially if the safe falls and gets slightly out of alignment. The world is full of “that can never happen” scenarios, until it does.

      Alternatively, invest in a steel wallet with letter punches for the seed recovery. There are slide in steel wallets, but the reason I personally don’t like the slide in letters is because there is a slight chance that something happens and the letters come out. Punching into titanium. Lifelong safety.

      EDIT: And this is in the edit so in case you TLDR.

      Never, ever, ever never, type your seed words on a keyboard. Ever. Seriously, never.

      Keyboards should all be unplugged and put into a closet. I am dead serious with the never. Never. Unplug it and lock it in the safe. Keyboards and seed words never exist in the same transaction. Anyone asks you for it, they are scamming. Never. No support will ask you, no matter how convincing it sounds. No online help tool will help you. No recovery tool generator. Nothing. Never. Never.

      Use advanced recovery and any screen validation is done by clicking.

      Never type your seed words into anything, anytime, anywhere, anyhow.

    • #769593

      Here’s my new [Trezor Setup Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/gsv0in/heres_my_suggested_new_trezor_setup_checklist/) mentioned in the thread.

      Here’s my basic [exchange security checklist](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qft7uv/10_things_you_should_probably_start_doing/) as well.

      1. search [the manuals](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/s8w028/lpt_read_the_manual_no_seriously_read_the_manual/)
      2. search [the manuals](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/s8w028/lpt_read_the_manual_no_seriously_read_the_manual/)
      3. my [OCD thread on CB to Trezor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/kjsa31/the_tinfoil_hat_ocd_guide_to_withdrawals_from/)
      4. See my setup guide and security checklist
      5. What about them. There are 4 bitcoin single-sig address types.
      6. See my setup guide and security checklist
      7. Very long discussion, but you can use [Electrum with Trezor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/hohv3j/psa_electrum_and_eclair_both_support_testnetln_to/) for LN support
      8. search [the manuals](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/s8w028/lpt_read_the_manual_no_seriously_read_the_manual/)
      9. search [the manuals](https://www.reddit.com/r/TREZOR/comments/s8w028/lpt_read_the_manual_no_seriously_read_the_manual/)
      10. [how to hack an exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/qk41gk/how_to_hack_an_exchange_account/) / [how to hack a trezor](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/qk41gk/how_to_hack_an_exchange_account/)

    • #769594

      Shout out to u/brianddk that wrote this startup guide a few years back. Still relevant.

      Here’s my suggested new Trezor setup checklist.
      byu/brianddk inTREZOR

    • #769595

      It pretty much walks you through the whole process. All you have to is follow the steps. Not being sarcastic, they’ve made it really simple.

    • #769596

      Being lasy about it then come here to complain “I lost all my crypto, it’s trezor’s fault”. Classic.

    • #769597


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