Home Foren Trezor Wallet Sollte ich mir einen Ledger zulegen, da der Trezor nicht ios/iphone-kompatibel ist? Antwort auf: Sollte ich mir einen Ledger zulegen, da der Trezor nicht ios/iphone-kompatibel ist?


I’ve never used Ledger, however I thinks a decent choice.

However, I do find that the Trezor suits my needs perfectly. I make DCA purchases about twice a month and send those crypto assets immediately from the centralized exchange to my Trezor addresses. This does not require the Trezor HW.

The only thing I would need the Trezor device for is periodically signing a smart contract or when sending or supplying from my Trezor wallet, which in practice I do infrequently (perhaps a few times a quarter at most). In these cases I wait until I’m at my computer.

If you are day trading and/or plan to need the HW frequently through the day/week or plan to primarily use it on a mobile device then it might be better to go with the Ledger as it might be annoying to keep retrieving the Trezor from your safe.