Home Foren Trezor Wallet Verwenden Sie Suite, Yoroi und Exodus mit demselben Model T Antwort auf: Verwenden Sie Suite, Yoroi und Exodus mit demselben Model T


As it looks like you’ve found out, the seed that you generated on your Trezor can be used with many different wallets. The seed words do not change once you’ve set them up so the wallets will all interact with the Trezor and can work together. I currently have coins in Yoroi, Trezor Suite and SimpleStaking wallets and all are secured by my Trezor model T. Barring my seed words being somehow compromised, all of those wallets are just utilizing the security features of the Trezor in the way they are meant to. They are just different interfaces to allow your Trezor to secure the various blockchain they interact with.