Home Foren Ledger Wallet 4 Fragen/Szenarien, kann jemand helfen, sie zu beantworten?

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    • #2839786

      \#1. Ich habe einen Ledger Nano S, der beschädigt ist, und ich bestelle ein Ersatzgerät. Kann ich nun mit meinem neuen Gerät die Seed-Phrase laden, die ich in meinen beschädigten Nano S geladen hatte?

      \#2. Was passiert mit der Seed-Phrase, die generiert wird, wenn ich das neue Gerät lade? Wird sie mit meinem alten Konto überschrieben?

      \#3. Wenn ich in Zukunft das ursprüngliche Konto für die Seed-Phrase, das mit meinem zweiten Gerät geliefert wurde, laden möchte, kann ich das tun, um Guthaben aufzuteilen?

      \#4. Muss man ein Ledger-Gerät kaufen, um eine neue Seed-Phrase zu erhalten? Beispiel. Kann ich 10 Seed Phrases erstellen und mit einem Gerät auf sie zugreifen, oder werden sie nur über ein neues Ledger erstellt und sind dann über ein Ledger-Gerät zugänglich?

    • #2839787

      The only thing stored in your ledger is your recovery seed phrase. The seed phrase is the rook key giving you access to all your accounts. Once you understand that, the answers are obvious.

      #1 yes

      #2 you would not generate a ne phrase on your replacement ledger (it would create a whole new set of accounts, not what you want), so instead, you would select “recover from existing phrase”, and enter your ols seed phrase in your new ledger.

      #3 if you want to split your accounts under 2 different seed phrase, you can do it, but to do that it’s easier to have 2 ledger, one with each seed phrase. Alternatively, you could use a bip39 passphrase, which can be added to an existing seed phrase to generate a new set of accounts. You can attach your passphrase to a second PIN, this way one ledger device will give you instant access to 2 sets of accounts: one derived from your seed, and one derived from your seed+passphrase

      #4 no, each ledger can be reset and used to generate a new random seed phrase, and you can generate as many different seed phrases as you want with just 1 ledger. You could generate seed phrases with other tools, but it would be unsafe risky, so not advised unless you know exactly what you are doing. Also the ledger contains a hardware true random number generator, so the randomness (entropy) of each seed phrase it generates is excellent, making those seed phrases very secure.

    • #2839788

      Hey u/MikeWFromFL – I’ll respond to your questions in sequence for the sake of clarity:

      1. This is correct, you’ll use your original 24 word recovery phrase that you set up with your original (damaged) Nano S – and you’ll use this recovery phrase to [restore](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404382560913-Restore-your-Ledger-accounts-with-your-recovery-phrase?support=true) your funds into your new Ledger.
      2. The old 24 word recovery phrase will still exist, however you’ll now have 2 separate, unique 24 word recovery phrase (and each will control separate sets of accounts) – and so you’ll want to make sure you keep track of each of these, uniquely.
      3. In the future if you ever want to restore your funds into another Ledger device, you’ll restore your funds into the Ledger account using the 24 word recovery phrase with the funds you’re looking to move – however it will move ***all*** of the funds from one device to another (it won’t be splitting any assets). Notably, you can split your assets between different Ledgers (using separate, unique 24 word recovery phrases).
      4. You can use 1 Ledger device and generate 10 (or as many as you’d like) different recovery phrases. Notably however – you’ll need to keep track of each of these separate 24 word recovery phrases, as you can **only have one unique 24 word recovery phrase set up with one individual Ledger, at a time.**

    • #2839789

      1) yes

      2) whatever the current seed phrase on the device is the seed phrase it uses

      3) If you back up the seed phrase on the new device, you can switch between seed phrases whenever you want however often you want to

      4) No, you can create seed phrases whenever you want, even on paper

    • #2839790

      How is it damaged? If it’s the screen, just order a new screen from AliExpress. I’ll post instructions if you ask.

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