Home Foren Ledger Wallet Beste Cold-Wallet-Option für Tetraplegiker?

  • Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Jahr, 4 Monaten von Zippyvinman.
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    • #1499876

      Hallo zusammen, ich habe vor kurzem einen Ledger gekauft und mag ihn wirklich. Ich habe ein Familienmitglied, das auch Krypto besitzt, aber hält es alle auf einen Austausch. Ich möchte ihm einen Ledger zu Weihnachten kaufen, aber er kann ihn buchstäblich nicht ohne Hilfe benutzen. Jemand anderes müsste die 24-Wort-Phrase aufschreiben, sie irgendwo speichern, die PIN einrichten und die PIN jedes Mal eingeben, wenn er Krypto senden will.

      Natürlich ist das alles völlig gegen das, was Ledger und alle anderen in dieser Gemeinschaft empfehlen, aber er kann kein einziges seiner Glieder bewegen, um es selbst zu tun. Das einzige, was er selbst tun kann, ist sein Smartphone mit einer Mundsteuerung zu benutzen.

      Gibt es eine bessere Option für die Kaltlagerung von Kryptowährungen, die ausschließlich mit einem Telefon durchgeführt werden kann oder zumindest nur begrenzte physische Interaktionen erfordert? Oder sollte ich ihm einen Ledger besorgen und ihm klar machen, was die Risiken sind?

    • #1499877

      You should have your family member select 2 trustworthy friends/family members.

      Your family member requiring assistance with the Ledger can sit in the room watching and have “friend1” enter the room and write 1 half of the recovery phrase down. They can even show the original family member the device and show they only generated up to the 12th word – aka they can do it in front of your family member – knowing they somehow didn’t try anything funny.

      “Friend1” leaves and then “friend2” comes in and completes the phrase.

      Once this process is repeated and done, the phrase is locked in a safety deposit box in front of the original family member requiring assistance with the ledger and they’ll know more or less. It’s safe. There’s trust involved so – there’s always risks to be taken in these situations, but I think this isn’t bad.

      You could even break it up into groups of 6 words (so 4 participants) – but at that point, things could get messy and I believe collusion truly becomes an issue depending on how unique the case is. I hope this helps. ♥️

    • #1499878

      Arculus uses a credit card sized card with NFC to sign transactions

    • #1499879

      He can use Nano X (Bluetooth enabled) to sign transaction without a lot of physical interaction and he can create an encrypted flashdrive and and encrypted text using a clean installed PC or much better Linux to type in his seed (using accessibility control) so he doesn’t need to let anyone know his seed.

      I know we shouldn’t be keeping a soft copy of the private key, but if done with proper opsec, you can safely and securely backup a seed. Just make sure that the flashdrive and the file containing the seed are encrypted with different encryption and to do it in a newly installed operating system just to make sure that it is really clean.

    • #1499880

      Not sure why you couldn’t just set up the Ledger yourself with them? You can do it with them, help them put together a metal recovery sheet (such as a billfold) and help them set up a pin of their choice. Unless you have the mental capabilities to memorize 24 words in their orders during setup, no one but you would have the chance to know the words — and you clearly wouldn’t do anything that as a trusted family member (considering you’re asking how to help them with this right now).

      Of course this doesn’t help with the fact that operating the Ledger would be near impossible.

      Toughest thing would be actually entering the codes and the sort. Something like a Keystone helps with fingerprint sensor… but right now that doesn’t seem to be an option considering the circumstances. A Trezor might be easier as it has a touchscreen that they can enter the code into with a mouth control/a stylus, etc. — only issue is that it would be hard to do anything unless they’re able to plug it in and use it with a computer.

      Maybe a software wallet such as Trust Wallet would be more their speed.

      Hope you figure it out — best of luck and thanks for being a helpful family member to someone in need.

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