Home Foren Trezor Wallet ENS-Übertragung aus Trezor verfolgen?

  • Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Jahr, 3 Monaten von SilverTruth7809.
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    • #1696730

      Ich zeige auf EtherScan eine Transaktion aller meiner ENS aus meinem Trezor-Konto an. Ich kann mich irgendwie daran erinnern, dies getan zu haben? Wenn ich die Adresse habe, an die es gesendet wurde, kann mir das helfen, herauszufinden, was ich getan haben könnte? Das ist schon ein paar Monate her. Ich glaube, es hatte mit UniSwap v3? zu tun.

    • #1696731

      Okay, I have a theory about what might have happened here. Please let me know if it sounds right or wrong to you.

      About 51 days ago someone attempted to pull a phishing scam on you by sending you worthless tokens called something like “aduni. site”. You did probably not notice this at the time.

      Then about 38 days ago you were checking your wallet because you had just withdrawn about 5 ETH from Coinbase, and you found the phishing tokens in your wallet. Not knowing it was a phishing scam you decided to visit the scam site.

      On the site you were greeted by a website that looked like the Uniswap Website (or some other trusted webiste), and it told you that you could claim free UNI Reward tokens (or something similar) by connecting your wallet. Still not realizing this was a classic scam you connected your wallet and it prompted you to sign a transaction, which you did without even checking what the transaction did.

      The transaction you signed was this one ([https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb0e53b0759b42130ad58010add2ebab0206ec4d8dce7d7da128a06ecae2c761e](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xb0e53b0759b42130ad58010add2ebab0206ec4d8dce7d7da128a06ecae2c761e)) giving the scammers all of your ENS tokens, and also giving them future approval to spend your ENS tokens if you ever get any more.

      At this point there is nothing you can do to save your ENS tokens, but you can save any future ENS tokens sent to your address by revoking the approval.

      To check you current approval go to the token address (https://etherscan.io/token/0xc18360217d8f7ab5e7c516566761ea12ce7f9d72#readContract#F2) and under the “allowance” method enter your address as the owner (0x6cd7CF8aaF49a98CA73343DeF165B98a03386b60), and the address the scammers approved as the spender (0x41E8A9188136Cf26BdA9BD33AcBfd0bC808A025B).

      To revoke this approval you instead go to the “write contract” section ([https://etherscan.io/token/0xc18360217d8f7ab5e7c516566761ea12ce7f9d72#writeContract#F1](https://etherscan.io/token/0xc18360217d8f7ab5e7c516566761ea12ce7f9d72#writeContract#F1)) where you will have to enter the same spender as before (0x6cd7CF8aaF49a98CA73343DeF165B98a03386b60) and set the approval amount to 0. Alternatively you could use some service like for example the Rabby Wallet that can display and remove approvals in a more user friendly way.

      Assuming you did indeed fall for the phishing scam I detailed above you should also consider if you are ready for the responsibility of self custody, and make sure you educate yourself on best practices to avoid getting scammed. If not you might lose much more money in the future to more sophisticated scams. Also note that scammers are almost definitely seeing you as a target after you made this post, so make sure to trust nobody sending private messages.

    • #1696732

      Please bear in mind that no one from the Trezor team would send you a private message first.
      If you want to discuss a sensitive issue, we suggest contacting our Support team via the Troubleshooter: https://trezor.io/support/

      **No one from the Trezor team (Reddit mods, Support agents, etc) would ever ask for your recovery seed!**
      Beware of scams and phishings: https://blog.trezor.io/recognize-and-avoid-phishing-ef0948698aec

      *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TREZOR) if you have any questions or concerns.*

    • #1696733

      Forgive me, but what would uniswap want with your ENS?

    • #1696734

      ENS expiration date?

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