Home Foren Trezor Wallet Für eine Notsituation

  • Dieses Thema hat 2 Antworten und 1 Teilnehmer, und wurde zuletzt aktualisiert vor 1 Jahr, 9 Monaten von blaze1234.
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    • #1073554

      Lassen Sie es mich wissen, wenn dies etwas Offensichtliches ist und ich etwas übersehe.

      Nehmen wir an, Sie stellen plötzlich fest, dass Ihre Seed-Phrase wahrscheinlich kompromittiert wurde. Jemand könnte sie in die Hände bekommen haben. Was tun Sie dann? Natürlich an eine andere Adresse senden, die nichts mit der Seed-Phrase zu tun hat. Und zwar *schnell!*

      Meine Frage ist also: Wäre es nicht nützlich, einen speziellen “Notfall”-Modus auf der Trezor zu haben, um dieses Szenario zu bewältigen, und zwar *SCHNELL?*?

      Im Grunde ist es eine Ein-Klick-Lösung: eine *völlig unabhängige* Adresse wird generiert und eine Transaktion wird erzeugt, die *alles* von allen Adressen, die man besitzt, an die neue “Notfall”-Adresse sendet.

      Denn im Moment muss man in einer solchen Situation die neue Adresse und die entsprechenden Transaktionen von Hand erstellen?

      Macht das Sinn? Ich habe das Gefühl, ich übersehe etwas, aber vielleicht auch nicht.

    • #1073555

      Let’s say I steal your seed.

      I recover it into my Trezor. I hit “emergency send”. All your funds move to the emergency address.

      Using the restored Trezor, I pick up all the funds from the emergency address and move them to my own address. Everything you own is gone.

      Let’s say that the emergency address is not derived from the seed, but tied to a physical Trezor.

      I steal your seed.

      You notice, hit the panic button, all your funds move to the emergency address.

      Before you can do anything, a small meteorite hits your Trezor and destroys it. Because the address was tied to the Trezor, you can’t get it back by recovering the seed. Everything you own is gone.

      Let’s say that you have to configure the address by hand and maybe you fill your friend’s address, or a backup Trezor, or a paper wallet or something.

      I steal your seed, you notice.

      You remember that you actually _wanted_ to set that up, but your second Trezor is still in its box, or you never decided which friend is trustworthy, or…

      You start setting it up, calling up friends, etc. — and only now it turns out that it’s not one address but several: one for each kind of coin, maybe there is an option to do it per-account, etc.

      While you’re doing this, I recover your seed and start sending funds away by a well written script (which does pretty much what you also want, but I actually _did_ set it up before stealing your seed). 3/4 of what you own is gone.

      That said, the “preconfigured addresses” thing makes some amount of sense. The biggest hurdle is to get you the user to keep the addresses set up, up to date (e.g. when you add a new coin) and properly backed up. Doing it with a backup Trezor would be relatively straightforward (not saying _easy_ though).

      Second biggest hurdle is keeping the thing up to date with blockchain development. I’m wondering if such a service could pay for itself.

      Third biggest hurdle is trust – either you need to confirm a **lot** of transactions on Trezor (will you be checking every one of your backup addresses?), or you’ll need to enter the compromised seed into a website, and trust that website to do the right thing and send at least a percentage of the funds back to you.

    • #1073556

      You can use any number of ways to set up your next account-wallet in advance, new mnemonic new passphrase.

      Note the address, do a test send and verify it received, have it ready standing by.

      You should be devoting enough efforts to ensure this scenario never happens

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