Home Foren Trezor Wallet Ist die Übertragung von Vermögenswerten von Exodus auf eine neue Trezor gebührenpflichtig?

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    • #2713011

      Wenn ich andere Fragen hier studiere, habe ich den Eindruck, dass ***jede*** Übertragung eine neue Adresse erzeugt, die auf der entsprechenden Blockchain aufgezeichnet werden muss, und dass dies einen Miner erfordert, der die Arbeit erledigt und dafür bezahlt wird. Danke für die Klarstellung

    • #2713012

      There is just the gas fee for moving each crypto. Doesn’t matter what wallet you’re sending to (Trezor, another Exodus, or an exchange), you’ll need to pay the gas fee. If you’re unfamiliar with this concept, it’s because your exchange of choice is simply hiding the fact that they’re paying that same gas fee from you, by adding it as a different fee.

      You can get an estimate on Blockchain explorers, here is Ethereum’s, it will also apply to any ERC-20 tokens (UNI, AAVE, USDC, etc). https://etherscan.io/gastracker See the “USDT: Transfer” for the estimate to just move a token.

      Doing it at night (USA) or weekends is cheapest, but generally things are cheap most of the time currently due to bear market.

      To answer your statement directly it’s less about registering the new address, and more about just the fact that you’re paying the miners to acknowledge the fact your coins are moving from one place to another.

      However, some coins do require registering an address in advance, or at least holding a minimum balance such as Stellar. It’s likely that most of the coins you’re talking about will be either bitcoin, ethereum, or an ERC-20 token on ethereum, which don’t have that complexity.

    • #2713013

      You always need to pay fee to move crypto from one address to another. In some cases fees are high, in some cases they are low, but there’s always fee needs to be paid.

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