Home Foren Trezor Wallet Wo genau wird die Kryptowährung gespeichert, wenn ich sie in meine Trezor-Geldbörse übertrage?

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    • #2360000

      Ich habe eine Trezor Model T, die ich vor 2 Jahren gekauft habe. Früher habe ich DCA in Bitcoin investiert und in meinem Wallet gespeichert. Aus persönlichen Gründen habe ich ein paar Monate lang nicht investiert. In diesen Monaten habe ich auch meinen Laptop auf die Werkseinstellungen zurückgesetzt und Windows neu installiert.

      Heute übertrug ich einige Bitcoin auf meine Wallet. Ich lud die Trezor Suite herunter und installierte sie erneut auf meinem Laptop. Ich hatte meine Phrasen zur Eingabe bereit und all das. Aber das Programm fragte mich nicht danach und verband mich direkt mit der Geldbörse, in der ich auch das ganze Geld hatte.

      Wie funktioniert also die Speicherung von Kryptowährungen in Hardware-Wallets?

      Ich habe vor, in ein paar Monaten einen neuen Laptop zu kaufen. Natürlich werde ich die Trezor Suite von diesem Laptop deinstallieren.

      Meine größte Sorge ist, was passiert, wenn jemand, der auch Trezor verwendet, die Suite installiert und sein Gerät anschließt, was wird er dann sehen?

      Wird die Suite auf einem neuen Laptop nach meinen Phrasen fragen? Wenn ja, warum hat mich dieser Laptop nicht auch danach gefragt, selbst wenn ich ihn komplett neu eingerichtet habe?

      *(Entschuldigung für das schlechte Englisch.)*

    • #2360001

      Trezors don’t actually “hold” your coins, they are more so just a window to interact with your coins on the Blockchain. Your coins never leave the Blockchain.

      Think of the Blockchain like the internet, and Trezor is your browser. Trezor might be Google Chrome, Ledger might be Firefox. Just different windows to the same content.

      Your coins are always on the Blockchain. If you take your private key (12 words, never ever share them) and enter them into a different Trezor, or even competing wallet like Ledger, now that device would be your wallet. Your coins didn’t move, you just switched browsers.

      As long as you have your 12 words safe, you can drop your Trezor into a lake or smash it with a hammer and your coins are fine.

    • #2360002

      The Trezor is just a signing device. It uses the private key that is created by your seed words to sign transactions that prove you own the assets.

      Your bitcoin is always on the blockchain.

    • #2360003

      It is stored in the transaction which sent them to your wallet, which resides on ‘the blockchain’ i.e. the nodes’ storage who directly manage the blockchain.

      What is stored on your Trezor is a signature that allows you to spend from that transaction.

      You can think of it like this:

      You sent a check to the blockchain with your Trezor’s name on it.

      Your Trezor is able to sign for it.

    • #2360004

      If you have passphrase feature enabled and you want to access Hidden (passphrase protected) wallet then yes, Suite will ask you for your passphrase in order to access such wallet and be able to send funds from it.

      If you want to access only Standard (not passphrase protected) wallet, then entering correct PIN is enough to access such wallet and sign any transaction from it.
      – that’s why it is recommended to use passphrase to maximise the security,.
      On the other hand it comes with great responsibility. If passphrase is lost or forgotten, then your respective Hidden wallet is lost for good as well ( you could only try to brute force the passphrase)

      If by “phrases” you mean also your mnemonic phrase (12 or 24 words) you won’t need those unless your Trezor device will be wiped, factory reseted or bricked. Or you simply want to recover your wallet elsewhere (different BIP39 compatible cold or hot wallet). It is only a backup.

    • #2360005

      You need to realize that a hardware wallet is _not_ just a very fancy keyboard for clicking “send money”. That would make it pretty easy for malware to bypass.

      Instead, it’s a _wallet_. It has some data stored on it that allows it to make cryptocurrency transactions. It still needs the computer as an intermediary for talking to the blockchains, for looking at transaction history, things like that.

      (think less of a USB keyboard and more of a flash drive. although that analogy is not very good either)

      Basically, Suite can’t do anything important by itself. It can show you transaction history, fiat conversions, etc. But when you want to send money, Suite can’t do it. It doesn’t have the data necessary to do it. For all important actions, Suite is **asking the Trezor device** to do it.

      So that’s where you are. You never factory-reset your Trezor so the data is still on there. When you install a Suite, it will look for the nearest Trezor and ask “hey Trezor, so what accounts would you like me to manage today?”

      (then there’s the separate matter of the coins actually living on the blockchain and Trezor only having the keys but not actually carrying the _coins_ themselves)

      That should hopefully answer your questions:

      – if you install Suite on a new computer, it will show you whatever accounts are on the Trezor.
      – if your friend comes in and plugs in their Trezor, Suite will be showing the friend’s accounts
      – if someone else somewhere else launches Suite, it will show whatever is on _their_ Trezor

      the seed phrase is a _full backup_ of the data that is on Trezor.

      it’s literally a backup. if your Trezor is stolen, lost, or destroyed, you can buy a new one, load the seed phrase into it, and you’ll get your accounts back.

      if you lose the backup, and also lose the Trezor, you won’t see your coins ever again

    • #2360006

      ON THE BLOCKCHAIN… Learn what the buzzwords actually mean…

    • #2360007

      Your crypto is stored on the blockchain. The only thing your Trezor holds is the cryptographic keys to interact with your wallet on the blockchain and authorize transactions.

    • #2360008


    • #2360009

      On the blockchain, my dude. Your Trezor just holds your private key.

      Trezor suite will store your public key if you set it to remember your wallet. Uninstall Trezor Suite, and that copy of your pubkey is also gone.

      >Will the Suite on a new laptop ask for my phrases?

      No. Your Trezor device will pass your pubkey to the new install to find your account balances.

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